Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Failure! Lack of patience! therefore Juilians was a wash, blue elephant was the mediocre stand in. Sweet senorita! We've got hail, and it hurts the head and hands when it hits. Parker might have died in his sleep, minus the dying part of course. He looks like death, beefeater beefeater you terrible girl you, delicious and cruel! We leave tomorrow, but Dan stays, Parker and I go back to the places from whence we came, and another six months will pass before we three are carousing about town together! I'll be back soon though, it's time to ink up again, before I turn 25!
Ok the levis are on and so are my brown boots, time to see if the hail still hurts, and if I still have trouble walking! Let's go!

This blog is self indulgent!!!! What does that say about me?

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