Sunday, June 29, 2008

Do we really need this medication to tell us we're all right?
It's like fornication only without the fun that's found in the beginning phases,
only that which you hate, you, you , you

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Be warned, I very well could be losing my mind...

Let's be trees

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What They Really Mean

Politically calculated Centrism
how liberals screw the poor

Social welfare policy reform
ugh -what are we going to do with these poor people

Census Data
useless detritus compiled to successfully, or unsuccessfully prove a point

Ducking sniper fire in Bosnia
Traveling around in a first-class jet with Sinbad

Monday, June 16, 2008

I Just cannot seem to unfurrow my brow no matter how hard I try.

Sometimes I make mistakes
In an ideal world I would learn from those mistakes
But in the real world, they come back to haunt me
When I say sometimes, I mean most times

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Thunder rolled in with a mighty shout, and there was the lighting to illuminate the pathway of thunders clap. The thunder made us jump, and the lightning made us blind for lack of electric power, and the light bulbs which need said power. Eight hours, and these eight hours were spent in the dark, but not because it was a difficult problem to fix, we were just unlucky to living in a town populated by minorities and blue collar labor workers.
" Your geographic location is not a priority."
I asked what that meant but no satisfactory response could be produced.
" Is it because it's not an affluent town? Is it because my neighborhood is primarily minority and blue collar?" I asked that question with the sincerest of tone.
" Sir are you trying to make a joke? "
" No I'm not trying to make a joke, I'm asking an honest question."
" Sir your area is just not a priority."
" click"
I hung up on the Connecticut light and power man. This night has been still yet another evidence to the social inequality in this great nation of ours. Hooray!!!