Monday, February 25, 2008

Beautiful clarification, but of the difficult sort. It's like trying to bring resolve to the debate over the attractive or unattractive merits of Mary-Louise Parker. Beautiful clarification comes at the cost of my pride, comes coupled with non ecstatic suffering. Does the cost over weigh the benefits? Probably not, but I'm a human after all, and I can't seem to put on the goggles of reason, and see through the fog of suffering to the sunlit meadow of beautiful clarification, peace of mind. Never the less, I stare this beautiful clarification straight in the eyes, and I ask, "What do you want of me?" Knowing full well what is required. It seems that inane questions are how humans cope with knowing that the truth is really the last thing they really ever wanted.
Beautiful clarification, are you to be mine or shall I love you with my lips but never with my hands? The irony is that if I had beautiful clarification as mine, then I wouldn't have to wonder wonder wonder over what to do with beautiful clarification.
At least I'm not jaundice.


st pauls was good

Zooey Deschanel has a lovely voice ( she&him(zooey+mward))

vacuums pick up a multitude of dirts, too bad they couldn't do the same for sin.

Friday, February 22, 2008

It snowed today, it's white, clean.
Everything looks almost right for just this moment.
I tried to capture this moment with photographs in black and white.
The cold seeped through rubber boots and my feet grew cold.
My hands were numb despite the gloves, the cold was sharp.
But it didn't matter, all was quiet and in this moment everything was perfect.
Hey fag! Why don't you come take a picture of us? Come on gay boy.
I'm not gay and those were my unruly neighbors.
The moment was lost, but it didn't matter.
I had captured it in snaps and on film.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Do you believe in Democracy? A government by the people for the people?
I dream of such a thing.
There is no such thing
What with electoral colleges and superdelegates
We've lost our right to choice...

... Well ok, maybe not yet, but soon we will and these superdelegates are the gateway

please Anyone who reads this please click on the superdelegates link. We need to stay informed!! much love

Thursday, February 07, 2008

I've no song inside my head. Somebody give me a melody...

restless night, barely sleeping,
unshaven, dirty hair, barely awake now.
Hastily shower, did I wash my 2000 parts?
Where are my keys? Where are my socks?
Has anyone seen my soul?
nine hours of work
nine hours of servitude
nine hours that could be spent better...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The day at a glimpse

The bodies were seen, some with skin some with none, some with muscles some with none, all were dead. In the exhibit, I was hungry, I thought of chicken, and then I wanted to eat chicken. I was told there must be something wrong with me when the sight of a cross sectioned real human body ( dead of course) makes me think of eating.

Ten minutes time turned the bedroom from a pigstye to a cozy den. It's the den of a cowardly lion, lurking and waiting for courage to come walking through the door and offer itself.

Lack of hearing lead to hurting of feelings. It's a talent of mine, do you have any such regrettable talents? I have many, I think that I am stronger than some, but weaker than most.

The nature of my increasingly hectic life, leaves me wishing to live in a cabin surrounded by woods. Silence, the music of rain and wind. I could scream if I wanted to. I could whisper too.

Cloverfield was a waste of 1hr and 20 min.

Eagle vs. Shark was silly

Renaissance was a rather great film, sorta like the church....

I set my alarm for 6am

Monday, February 04, 2008

Do justice
Love mercy
Walk humbly with your God

Sunday, February 03, 2008

And then a liar came
with sincere eyes
steady hands
and wagging tongue.
Truth to say
any whichever way
that which are those things
you'd like most to hear

paint your face white

drink some wine

pour some coffee past the cup and onto the floor

eat some seeds

enjoy water and air

Saturday, February 02, 2008

I killed you last night,
dream state
wishing reality
your life unfurled on the floor
and I smiled
scarlet pens etching blood lines
and I watched
and I twirled
and I woke up