Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The day at a glimpse

The bodies were seen, some with skin some with none, some with muscles some with none, all were dead. In the exhibit, I was hungry, I thought of chicken, and then I wanted to eat chicken. I was told there must be something wrong with me when the sight of a cross sectioned real human body ( dead of course) makes me think of eating.

Ten minutes time turned the bedroom from a pigstye to a cozy den. It's the den of a cowardly lion, lurking and waiting for courage to come walking through the door and offer itself.

Lack of hearing lead to hurting of feelings. It's a talent of mine, do you have any such regrettable talents? I have many, I think that I am stronger than some, but weaker than most.

The nature of my increasingly hectic life, leaves me wishing to live in a cabin surrounded by woods. Silence, the music of rain and wind. I could scream if I wanted to. I could whisper too.

Cloverfield was a waste of 1hr and 20 min.

Eagle vs. Shark was silly

Renaissance was a rather great film, sorta like the church....

I set my alarm for 6am

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