Sunday, December 30, 2007


" So where do we go from here?"
"I'm not sure."
" What do you mean you're not sure? That's only half of an answer."
" What I mean is, I don't know where here is, and since I don't know where here is, and if I'm here but don't know where this here is, then how am I to know where to go if I don't know where I am. If here is an unknown point, how can I be expected to know where to go from a point unknown.?"
" So what are you saying? Are you trying to tell me that we should just stay put and never leave this spot?"
" No That is not what I am saying."
" But you just said that you cannot be expected to know where to go from here."
" Yes, that is true, but that doesn't mean we should go somewhere from here. Perhaps if we pick a direction at random, and just go we will be able to look back in a little while and see where exactly here is. But, then again our present here will become a past there, and the future there will have become the present here. Since we are here and don't know where here is, how will we know where we are when we get there? When we finally get there will we look back and see that the present here is in fact no where? And what if we go in one big circle and think that we have gone to a new here, and from that here, which now is a there, we will look back and see our own backs standing here, which we thought was there, but really was here all along?"
" OH my God! what are you talking about? Who cares, do you wanna just throw caution to the wind and just go from here?"
" No, I think I'll stay here and wait awhile."
" Alright then, I guess I'll go alone. So do have any idea where I should go from here?"
" I'm not sure."

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